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We always strive to find the best solution.

■ 1999,09 Han Trading World Co. has begun
■ 2001.04 Acquisition of shopping mall 'BY KOREA', start of online business
■ 2001.08 Establishment of an overseas branch in Yiwu, China
■ 2005.08 Overseas Export Business Agreement with SHIN SUNG MAJOR CO., LTD
■ 2010.01 Overseas Export Business Agreement with DUKWON GLOVE CO.
■ 2020.04 CGETC INC in USA Joint Logistics Business Agreement
■ 2020.06 Amazon online sales starts
■ 2021.02 US Trademark Registration “Custom Grips”
■ 2022.03 Overseas Export Business Agreement with INNOACT CO., LTD
■ 2023.10 “THINH VUONG” Established in Dongxoai, Vietnam
■ 2024.01 Obtaining a Fresh Ginseng Import permit
■ 2024.01 Obtaining a Black Ginseng Import Import permit
■ 2024.05 CALMF Cosmetics Vietnam Corporation Registration
■ 2024.07 Obtaining a CALMF Cosmetics Import Permit


We are actively seeking partners to embark on this journey with us. Business is a long and winding road, and we aspire to start this adventure together with you from the very beginning. We understand that we are navigating through a competitive jungle, but together, we can thrive and evolve—not just as one-time export consultants, but as true collaborators in growth. Having the right information and making informed choices can save you both time and money. Our passion and expertise are fully prepared to meet your needs. Remember, every great journey begins with a single step, and no one starts with everything perfectly in place. This is the moment to begin. We eagerly await your commitment and your products.

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